Proper nutrition fuels pet health.

Feeding right and regularly is essential and YOUR obligation but what’s more crucial is the way you feed your pet and what do you use to feed your pet in.

Let's start with the best material of bowls for our cats :

When it comes to choosing the best material for cat feeding bowls, veterinarians and experts often recommend the following:
  1. Stainless Steel: Stainless steel bowls are durable, easy to clean, and resistant to scratches and cracks. They are nonporous, which means they don’t trap bacteria as easily as other materials
  2. Ceramic: Ceramic bowls are also a good choice. They are heavy, which prevents them from being tipped over easily, and they can be cleaned in the dishwasher However, they can break if dropped, and small cracks can harbor bacteria.
  3. Glass: Glass is another safe material for cat bowls. It’s nonporous and dishwasher-safe, making it easy to clean


It’s important to avoid plastic bowls. They can scratch easily, creating an environment in which bacteria can grow Some cats may also develop an allergic reaction to plastic

Remember, the right material keeps your cat safe and is easy to clean while the wrong material could harbor bacteria and other pathogens that might make you & your cat sick. 

  • So, it’s crucial to choose the right material for your cat’s feeding bowls. 
  • Please don’t use plastic and don’t cheap out on such an important accessory, that your pet interacts with daily 3-4 times.
  • There will be a bunch of cheap and easy to procure food bowls that might just seem logical to pick up, but there’s a reason why its cheap, but costly for your pet’s overall health.


Even after getting the right bowl for your pets your daily duty of maintaining the integrity of your pets bowl does not end.

Cleaning your cat’s bowl properly is important for their health. And so is for your health. 

Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Daily Cleaning: Clean the bowl once a day with hot soapy water. Rinse it well and allow it to air dry. This daily washing will ensure bacteria do not get the chance to form a biofilm on the bowl.
  2. Use of Dishwasher: Cat bowls can also be washed in the dishwasher. This can be a convenient method if you have multiple pets or if you’re short on time.
  3. Deep Cleaning: For a deeper clean, use a solution of one part bleach to ten parts hot water. Put your cat bowls into this solution (remembering to wear rubber gloves) and let them soak for about ten minutes. After they’re done soaking, pour the bleach solution down the drain, and give the bowls a really good rinse to get rid of all traces of bleach. Then, let them air-dry.

Remember, always ensure handling pet food bowls is kept separated from your dishes to ensure there’s no cross contamination and use a designated sponge that is only for use on pet bowls. This will help prevent the spread of bacteria.

By following these steps, you can ensure your cat’s bowl is clean and safe for them to eat from. 

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