Proper nutrition fuels pet health.

Pet Nutrition

Whisker Fatigue in Cats

Whisker Fatigue in Cats

Whisker fatigue may not be a term familiar to all cat owners, but it’s an important aspect of feline health that can significantly impact a cat’s comfort and well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore what whisker fatigue is, its symptoms, and why using flatter bowls or plates can be beneficial for your furry friends.

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Importance of Clean Food Bowls

Importance of Clean Food Bowls

Feeding right and regularly is essential and YOUR obligation but what’s more crucial is the way you feed your pet and what do you use to feed your pet in. Let's start with the best material of bowls for our...

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Wet Food v/s Dry Kibble for cats

Wet Food v/s Dry Kibble for cats

Benefits of Wet Food :  Hydration: Wet cat food contains significantly more moisture than dry kibble. This high water content helps keep your cat hydrated, which is crucial for overall health. Cats often don’t drink enough water, so feeding wet food...

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The Power of Consistent Feeding Schedules!

The Power of Consistent Feeding Schedules!

Cats are creatures of habit, and routine plays a very crucial role in their lives. It’s extremely important for cats to keep and maintain a consistent scheduler their meals, as it helps them feel secure, stable and predictable in their...

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Is Raw Food Good for Pets?

Is Raw Food Good for Pets?

How many people have shifted to a raw food diet for their pets? Over the past decade, there has been a distinct shift in feeding practices for pets, including dogs and cats. While most pets are still being fed conventional...

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Human foods great for cats

Human foods great for cats

Hey food enthusiasts! As a self-proclaimed foodie who savors every bite, I'm all about enjoying delicious meals while staying mindful of what I eat. Because let's face it, we are what we eat, right? In my quest for tasty yet...

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Should you neuter your cat?

Should you neuter your cat?

Pros and Cons of Neutering Your Cat: A Detailed Analysis Neutering, or spaying, is a common veterinary procedure that involves the removal of a cat's reproductive organs. While it's widely recommended, it's important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of...

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Why Cats Prefer Room Temperature Food?

Why Cats Prefer Room Temperature Food?

Cats have extremely keen sense, especially their sense of smell. Temperature and aroma of a cat’s food truly determines if they will love it or not. In fact, the Journal of Veterinary Behaviour did a study that show “Cats prefer...

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Importance of a nutritious diet

Importance of a nutritious diet

How many cats end up having health problems?   Based on a study of over 8000 Finnish cats, the percentage of cats that have been diagnosed with a health problem at some point in their lives is between 63% and...

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